Gundam Musou : Liu Bei
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Diari Ku Diari Ku Jua
by Ayenxz Abraham

Haaa...hobi baru masa duduk bermalasan di rumah....Mengumpul Gundam dari edisi The Three Kingdoms....
Mamat yang telah di Transfromkan menjadi Gundam ini bernama Lui Bei..
Liu Bei is widely known as the ideal benevolent, humane ruler who cared for his people and picked good advisors. His character was to advocate the Confucian set of moral values, such as loyalty and compassion. (according to Wikipedia...)
Mengikut Novel The Romance of The Three Kingdom, Liu Bei mempunyai 2 saudara sumpah sehidup semati...kira2 cam die hard punya la....yang dipanggil Zhang Fei dan juga Guan Yu...Nak tahu lebeh, baca @ main la game Dynasty Warrior ye....
Buat masa ni..baru ada mereka bersaudara menjadi koleksi...Masih ada banyak karekter nak dikumpul...huuuuu~~
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