The String Theory:Tagged by Najihah
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Tag The Tagging Game
by Ayenxz Abraham

Do you believe in *Quantum Physics* string theory that everybody is connected from one to another by series of strings?.....
Tagged again..Nangis T-T....
Starting time : 4.51am (KooKooKooooo~~)
Name : Ayenxz Abraham
Sisters : Nope
Brothers : 3 Bros, 1 Lil Bro and 1 Lil Sis
Shoe size : 10 kot?
Height : 17?cm..ntah..dah lama tak ukur tinggi
Where do you live : Currently in UTM Skudai, Kolej 10..Ten Ten Ten Ten~~~
On a plane : Pernah, yang bayar 20sen tu...
Swam in the ocean : Occasionally...but berenang tpt yang really dalam? BELOM dan MAU~~
Fallen asleep at school : School xde...tapi kuliah ada...xsedar la...tau2 dah tersengguk2...
Broken someone’s heart : Ntah...hati orang sapa tau..Purposely xpenah lagi...
Fell off your chair : Pernah...kusi tu yang salah~~
Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call : tak pernah...gile ke? Baik maen game...
Saved e-mails : Yes.for the certain mails only.....IMPORTANT only
What is your room like : Penah tengok tongkang pecah x? Aku pun xpenah tengok....
What’s right beside you: Handphones, Kunci Bilik, Pendrives, Tissue, Matric Card, Dompet,dan seribu satu benda
What is the last thing you ate : Nasi Goreng Ayam Pedas.....aku nak daging la..hape la tuan kedai ni~
Chicken pox : Chicken Pox? Demam campak ada la...Sapa yang kena tu pegi jejauh..aku tembak karang!!
Sore throat : suma salah nuar dan hisham...sapa suruh aku karok kuat2...hmmm
Broken nose : Nope....
Believe in love at first sight : Love at first sight? Love camni nafsu je ni...tundukkan pandangan anda....
Like picnics : Suka kalau ada masa....dan makanan yang enak....sandwish satu!!
The last person you danced with : Adik beradik aku...Shuffle babeh!!
Last made you smile : Selalu...bila tengok kucing je aku senyum...Diorang sangat Comel!!
Talk to someone you like : Everyday..I like everyone I met,,,
Kissed anyone : Gile Kau...haram dowh...tapi cium tangan mak abah ada la...
Get sick : no....A little tired perhaps....
Talk to an ex : Ex? No!!
Miss someone : Yep..miss my sister...Yana...balik cepat!! Bleh pegi ronggeng~~ haha
Who do you really hate: Buat masa skrang? Bedebah yang kencing xreti nak flush dan target dengan la masalahnye kalo x S*n*t...opsss..lucah ke...censored maa....
Do you like your hand-writing : Suka...dah aku mengadap buku tulis dekat 17 tahun...
Are your toe nails painted : Dari aku kaler..baik aku potong kuku lagi bagoz...
Whose bed other than yours would you rather sleep in : A clean,Comfortable Bed...
What color shirt are you wearing now : White...ada spot2 dan helmet askar?
Are you a friendly person :Me? Ntah...aku sangat pemalu sebenarnya (sham..ko jangan cakap apa2!!...cuma kalo dah kenal baru la..kena jadi friend baru leh friendly..xgitu?
Do you have any pets : Ada. Kucing Miau...Skarang ada
Do you sleep with the TV on : Selalu..dah puas kena marah dah!!
What are you doing right now : Ngadap Moniter sambil membuat tag ini...duh ~
Can you handle the truth : Yes..No...Maybe...
Are you closer to your mother or father : Both..different interest..different topic..thats makes them so interesting
Do you eat healthy : I eat rice....cannot eat healthy...thats not even a fruit~~
Do you still have pictures of you & your ex : No....what Ex?
If you’re having a bad day, who are you most likely to go to : My Bed...and hope that day will pass by quietly...ZZzzzZZz
Are you loud or quiet most of the time : Depend on the time and event...but mostly loud..kot?
Are you confident : Yes...with the right perfume...and a right topic...insyaAllah
5 things I was doing 10 years ago:
5 things I would do if i were a billionaire:
5 of my bad habits:
5-10 places I’ve lived/living :
Ending Time: 05.30am
ZZZzzzZzzz...aku tag.....
Tagged again..Nangis T-T....
Starting time : 4.51am (KooKooKooooo~~)
Name : Ayenxz Abraham
Sisters : Nope
Brothers : 3 Bros, 1 Lil Bro and 1 Lil Sis
Shoe size : 10 kot?
Height : 17?cm..ntah..dah lama tak ukur tinggi
Where do you live : Currently in UTM Skudai, Kolej 10..Ten Ten Ten Ten~~~
On a plane : Pernah, yang bayar 20sen tu...
Swam in the ocean : Occasionally...but berenang tpt yang really dalam? BELOM dan MAU~~
Fallen asleep at school : School xde...tapi kuliah ada...xsedar la...tau2 dah tersengguk2...
Broken someone’s heart : Ntah...hati orang sapa tau..Purposely xpenah lagi...
Fell off your chair : Pernah...kusi tu yang salah~~
Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call : tak pernah...gile ke? Baik maen game...
Saved e-mails : Yes.for the certain mails only.....IMPORTANT only
What is your room like : Penah tengok tongkang pecah x? Aku pun xpenah tengok....
What’s right beside you: Handphones, Kunci Bilik, Pendrives, Tissue, Matric Card, Dompet,dan seribu satu benda
What is the last thing you ate : Nasi Goreng Ayam Pedas.....aku nak daging la..hape la tuan kedai ni~
Chicken pox : Chicken Pox? Demam campak ada la...Sapa yang kena tu pegi jejauh..aku tembak karang!!
Sore throat : suma salah nuar dan hisham...sapa suruh aku karok kuat2...hmmm
Broken nose : Nope....
Believe in love at first sight : Love at first sight? Love camni nafsu je ni...tundukkan pandangan anda....
Like picnics : Suka kalau ada masa....dan makanan yang enak....sandwish satu!!
The last person you danced with : Adik beradik aku...Shuffle babeh!!
Last made you smile : Selalu...bila tengok kucing je aku senyum...Diorang sangat Comel!!
Talk to someone you like : Everyday..I like everyone I met,,,
Kissed anyone : Gile Kau...haram dowh...tapi cium tangan mak abah ada la...
Get sick : no....A little tired perhaps....
Talk to an ex : Ex? No!!
Miss someone : Yep..miss my sister...Yana...balik cepat!! Bleh pegi ronggeng~~ haha
Who do you really hate: Buat masa skrang? Bedebah yang kencing xreti nak flush dan target dengan la masalahnye kalo x S*n*t...opsss..lucah ke...censored maa....
Do you like your hand-writing : Suka...dah aku mengadap buku tulis dekat 17 tahun...
Are your toe nails painted : Dari aku kaler..baik aku potong kuku lagi bagoz...
Whose bed other than yours would you rather sleep in : A clean,Comfortable Bed...
What color shirt are you wearing now : White...ada spot2 dan helmet askar?
Are you a friendly person :Me? Ntah...aku sangat pemalu sebenarnya (sham..ko jangan cakap apa2!!...cuma kalo dah kenal baru la..kena jadi friend baru leh friendly..xgitu?
Do you have any pets : Ada. Kucing Miau...Skarang ada
- Mulak Domok...sian dia asyik gado2 je skrang...
- Mulak Cacak..anak mulak Tunggal
- Mulak Hitam..anak kecik mulak Tunggal
- Mulak Stokin..juga anak Tunggal
- Mulak Comot..sama seperti diatas
Do you sleep with the TV on : Selalu..dah puas kena marah dah!!
What are you doing right now : Ngadap Moniter sambil membuat tag ini...duh ~
Can you handle the truth : Yes..No...Maybe...
Are you closer to your mother or father : Both..different interest..different topic..thats makes them so interesting
Do you eat healthy : I eat rice....cannot eat healthy...thats not even a fruit~~
Do you still have pictures of you & your ex : No....what Ex?
If you’re having a bad day, who are you most likely to go to : My Bed...and hope that day will pass by quietly...ZZzzzZZz
Are you loud or quiet most of the time : Depend on the time and event...but mostly loud..kot?
Are you confident : Yes...with the right perfume...and a right topic...insyaAllah
5 things I was doing 10 years ago:
- Masuk Tingkatan 1
- Main Half Life dan Starcraft
- Jalan2 keliling Semenanjung Malaysia
- Bergelak ketawa dengan rakan2
- Ntah...aku ada long term memory loss......
5 things I would do if i were a billionaire:
- bebaskan diri dari hutang-hutang
- Menjadikan hidup keluargaku senang dan lenang...
- Gandakan duit yang ada dengan bisnes yang berpotensi
- Pergi haji dan umrah..dan bawa seluruh ahli keluargaku bersama...yeah...
- Tolong sesama umat Muslim yang menderita di luar sana....
5 of my bad habits:
- Lazy....
- Boros
- Last Minutes person....menci la ko....
- Suka bergadang....xtau bukak google translate
- Forgetfullness...ini bleh dijadikan alasan kan?
5-10 places I’ve lived/living :
- -Bukit Baru..Melaka
- Jalan CinCin, Jasin Melaka
- -Solok Duku Masjid Tanah Melaka
- Kolej 2, Setapak Jaya KL
- -Rumah Pangsa Bandaraya, Setapak Jaya KL
Ending Time: 05.30am
ZZZzzzZzzz...aku tag.....
- El Hafidz....buat eh!
- Kemma the Cupcakes Designer
- Sapa xkena lagi tu..siap la korang....
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