The String Theory:Tagged by Najihah

posted under by Ayenxz Abraham
Do you believe in *Quantum Physics* string theory that everybody is connected from one to another by series of strings?.....

Tagged again..Nangis T-T....

Starting time : 4.51am (KooKooKooooo~~)

Name : Ayenxz Abraham

Sisters : Nope

Brothers : 3 Bros, 1 Lil Bro and 1 Lil Sis

Shoe size : 10 kot?

Height : 17?cm..ntah..dah lama tak ukur tinggi

Where do you live : Currently in UTM Skudai, Kolej 10..Ten Ten Ten Ten~~~


On a plane : Pernah, yang bayar 20sen tu...

Swam in the ocean : Occasionally...but berenang tpt yang really dalam? BELOM dan MAU~~

Fallen asleep at school : School xde...tapi kuliah ada...xsedar la...tau2 dah tersengguk2...

Broken someone’s heart : Ntah...hati orang sapa tau..Purposely xpenah lagi...

Fell off your chair : Pernah...kusi tu yang salah~~

Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call : tak pernah...gile ke? Baik maen game...

Saved e-mails : Yes.for the certain mails only.....IMPORTANT only


What is your room like : Penah tengok tongkang pecah x? Aku pun xpenah tengok....

What’s right beside you: Handphones, Kunci Bilik, Pendrives, Tissue, Matric Card, Dompet,dan seribu satu benda

What is the last thing you ate : Nasi Goreng Ayam Pedas.....aku nak daging la..hape la tuan kedai ni~


Chicken pox : Chicken Pox? Demam campak ada la...Sapa yang kena tu pegi jejauh..aku tembak karang!!

Sore throat : suma salah nuar dan hisham...sapa suruh aku karok kuat2...hmmm

Broken nose : Nope....

Believe in love at first sight : Love at first sight? Love camni nafsu je ni...tundukkan pandangan anda....

Like picnics : Suka kalau ada masa....dan makanan yang enak....sandwish satu!!



The last person you danced with : Adik beradik aku...Shuffle babeh!!

Last made you smile : Selalu...bila tengok kucing je aku senyum...Diorang sangat Comel!!



Talk to someone you like : Everyday..I like everyone I met,,,

Kissed anyone : Gile Kau...haram dowh...tapi cium tangan mak abah ada la...

Get sick : no....A little tired perhaps....

Talk to an ex : Ex? No!!

Miss someone : Yep..miss my sister...Yana...balik cepat!! Bleh pegi ronggeng~~ haha

Who do you really hate:
Buat masa skrang? Bedebah yang kencing xreti nak flush dan target dengan la masalahnye kalo x S*n*t...opsss..lucah ke...censored maa....

Do you like your hand-writing : Suka...dah aku mengadap buku tulis dekat 17 tahun...

Are your toe nails painted : Dari aku kaler..baik aku potong kuku lagi bagoz...

Whose bed other than yours would you rather sleep in : A clean,Comfortable Bed...

What color shirt are you wearing now : White...ada spot2 dan helmet askar?

Are you a friendly person :Me? Ntah...aku sangat pemalu sebenarnya (sham..ko jangan cakap apa2!!...cuma kalo dah kenal baru la..kena jadi friend baru leh friendly..xgitu?

Do you have any pets : Ada. Kucing Miau...Skarang ada
  1. Mulak Domok...sian dia asyik gado2 je skrang...
  2. Mulak Cacak..anak mulak Tunggal
  3. Mulak Hitam..anak kecik mulak Tunggal
  4. Mulak Stokin..juga anak Tunggal
  5. Mulak Comot..sama seperti diatas

Do you sleep with the TV on : Selalu..dah puas kena marah dah!!

What are you doing right now : Ngadap Moniter sambil membuat tag ini...duh ~

Can you handle the truth : Yes..No...Maybe...

Are you closer to your mother or father : Both..different interest..different topic..thats makes them so interesting

Do you eat healthy : I eat rice....cannot eat healthy...thats not even a fruit~~

Do you still have pictures of you & your ex : No....what Ex?

If you’re having a bad day, who are you most likely to go to : My Bed...and hope that day will pass by quietly...ZZzzzZZz

Are you loud or quiet most of the time : Depend on the time and event...but mostly loud..kot?

Are you confident : Yes...with the right perfume...and a right topic...insyaAllah

5 things I was doing 10 years ago:

  • Masuk Tingkatan 1
  • Main Half Life dan Starcraft
  • Jalan2 keliling Semenanjung Malaysia
  • Bergelak ketawa dengan rakan2
  • Ntah...aku ada long term memory loss......

5 things I would do if i were a billionaire:

  • bebaskan diri dari hutang-hutang
  • Menjadikan hidup keluargaku senang dan lenang...
  • Gandakan duit yang ada dengan bisnes yang berpotensi
  • Pergi haji dan umrah..dan bawa seluruh ahli keluargaku bersama...yeah...
  • Tolong sesama umat Muslim yang menderita di luar sana....

5 of my bad habits:

  • Lazy....
  • Boros
  • Last Minutes person....menci la ko....
  • Suka bergadang....xtau bukak google translate
  • Forgetfullness...ini bleh dijadikan alasan kan?

5-10 places I’ve lived/living :

  • -Bukit Baru..Melaka
  • Jalan CinCin, Jasin Melaka
  • -Solok Duku Masjid Tanah Melaka
  • Kolej 2, Setapak Jaya KL
  • -Rumah Pangsa Bandaraya, Setapak Jaya KL

Ending Time: 05.30am


ZZZzzzZzzz...aku tag.....

  1. El Hafidz....buat eh!
  2. Kemma the Cupcakes Designer
  3. Sapa xkena lagi tu..siap la korang....
Nota Lutut: Hi...Nama saya Ayenxz...sebutannya Iron....Tapi Panggil Saya Naz..Please~.....

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