Tag!! Ur It...ARGH!!! Tagging Game 1

Anyway...I try my best hokeh...
Rules: It’s harder than it looks! Copy to your own post, erase my answers, enter yours, and tag some people. Use the first letter of your name to answer each of the following questions. They have to be real . . . nothing made up! If the person before you had the same first initial, you must use different answers. You cannot use any word twice and you can’t use your name for the boy/girl name question. Have Fun!!
Alamak..nothing made up la plak....hmmmm....
1. What is your name: Nazerin (Pakai Ayenxz xbley ke ha~~)
2. A four Letter Word: Nice
3. A boy’s Name: Nazif (nasib baik nama ko ada...)
4. A girl’s Name: Nadzirah (kawan skolah rendah...)
5. An occupation: Naib Pengerusi PIBG
6. A color: Navy Blue...Macam tulisan ni jugak kot...
7. Something you wear: Nike Shoes (i hope la...sedekah kat aku la weiii)
9. A food: Nasi Goreng Ayam Panggang....lapar la plak...
10. Something found in the bathroom: Najis Cicak....bleh kan~~
11. A place: Night Club...oww yeahhh~~
12. A reason for being late: Ni suma nuar punya Pasal.....(xpasal2 la plak...)
13. Something you shout: NajisSSSSsss.....bila ada najis x di flush di tandas kolej...bedebah btol la....korang skolah kat mana ha~~
14. A movie title: Nana Tanjung....(aku pon xtengok....)
15. Something you drink: Nescafe~~ (tu..tu.tutu..tu.tutu..tu..tuuuu <--Ini bunyi iklan dia...)
16. A musical group: NYSC ( This I Promise Youuuuu~~.....karok la wehh~~)
17. An animal: N (ant)...apa? Xbleh ke...jap...Naga...Nightingale..ha!..
18. A street name: New Jersey Avenue...xpercaya ko google la ha~~
19. A type of car: Nissan (23 in Japanese..xcaya tanya Al Hafidz)
20. The title of a song: Nina Karina...owh lupakah dia....Cinta dan....dah--dahh!!
oleh kerana my associates dah kena tag...so aku tag ko ZIZIE OII...siap la ko...
Nota Lutut: The G makes life easier..don't chu think?
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